“Accepting” Jesus has nothing to do with raising your hands. It has nothing to do with repeating a few words. Accepting Jesus has nothing to do with going to church. Accepting Jesus has nothing to do with being a Christian, whether Evangelical or Catholic.
Accepting Jesus is simple in understanding, complex in existence, and impossible in the realization.
Simple in understanding. Because accepting it comes from the fact of simply accepting the absurdity that I have accomplished, it is an admission that is not made with human resources, much less with any form of vile metal, it is the admission of misery with the acquisition of the grace that comes from Him to me. […]
Therefore I do not accept it, never, my state of misery does not allow such a claim, I only accept the absurd. He who admitted me into his saving grace. Simple.
Complex in existence. Although there is a simplicity in this admission, living in Him is the most challenging and virtuous action a human being can have in this life.
Because your acceptance of me places me before a proposal that demands a response from me, the proposal to follow you, the proposal to take up the cross. This demands existence, the deconstruction of who we were, throwing everything we are to the ground and starting all over again, it demands seeing ourselves as people and nothing more, following Jesus is like being in a room surrounded by mirrors and wherever you look you see yourself as you are, and discovering that despite the state of misery, we are being reconstructed in a new essence, abandoning the instinctive action of animality, dismantling the reflective actions of the natural being, and discovering that we only have faith.
Impossible in realization. Nothing and no one can achieve salvation if it does not come from God to someone, they asked Jesus […] Who, then, can be saved? – “For man it is impossible, but for God, everything is possible.” For this, we have to abandon at the foot of the Cross every form of possibility of salvation that comes from my arm, from my effort, from my neurosis, and vehemently believe in faith that I was reached by absurd Grace, and I was admitted to the acquisition by the Blood of the Covenant, and that what was impossible, God made possible, for me, only for me, and for you, only for you.
Accept the simplicity of understanding, throw yourself into existence with your eyes closed, believing in the reconstruction of a new life, because the impossible became possible in Jesus.
Whoever believed in Christ, achieved this Grace, who is the one who Believes?!
Saved for life,
Fabiano Moreno.