The door is narrow because only Christ can fit.


Narrow gate! Words of Jesus “Enter through the narrow gate.” How many Christians have not grown up hearing that the wide gate of the world is the gate through which the believer walks with the world’s clothes, the world’s hair, the world’s tastes, and then they prohibited everything in the name of a text that was wrongly and cruelly misinterpreted. In fact, prohibiting is the great vice of those who do it out of cruelty in the name of God, in Christ in the Gospel. The only prohibition that is condemnatory is not believing, not believing that Christ is the son of God.

Christ said that the path to perdition is wide, what leads man to perdition is not believing in Christ as savior “he who does not believe is condemned…”, the opposite of this is the narrow path, it is narrow because nothing fits beyond the measure of the path itself, the path is Christ, and being Christ, it has the size of Christ, the width of Christ, the length of Christ, the door is narrow because it is the entrance to this path, being, the door is narrow because it is the door of the path, being of Christ, only Christ fits and nothing else!


That is why it is a path that begins by passing through a door. It is as if, upon entering through the door, you have to leave everything you carried before, all the plurality of faith, all the pantheon of gods of imagination and practice of necessity. The door is narrow because there is only room for you and Christ in you. It is leaving your idols, your idolatries, your hatreds, your fears, your idiosyncrasies, your past and looking only at the path of this door, with the lamp of the Word of God saying, “Whoever wants to come after me, take up your cross and follow me.”

The wide door is where everything fits, you and your entire past, even Christ through his offering blood I have already forgiven, but you insist on carrying it, it becomes a pet, emotional mutilation, the wide door accepts customizable faith, a God accessible to my need, in fact, the wide door accepts a walk without Christ.

Christ's invitation has always been and is as light as possible, so light that it is enough, "my yoke is easy and my burden is light", the path of Christ requires that we follow with our cross, that is, the death of our self every day, so that each day, only Christ remains.

Fabiano Moreno