The importance that Jesus gave to the text.
There are few long talks about Jesus in relation to some themes, most of our importance was not the importance of Jesus, so what was the greatest narrative of Christ?
There are few long talks about Jesus in relation to some themes, most of our importance was not the importance of Jesus, so what was the greatest narrative of Christ?
And God granted Jabesh the request he had made of him. Jabesh descends from Judah.
Advertising This quarter, EBDs (Sunday Bible School of the Assemblies of God) in much of Brazil are studying…
The spirit of the antichrist, or those who have already emerged as such, is extremely broad; because this has been discussed for 1900 years, starting precisely with John himself, still in the letters
The God who is love is also justice, if it weren't so, love without justice would be complicity and justice without love would be evil...
What models of human behavior do we identify according to origin?